Start Here

Hello Maker, Let's Get Started With OneMix!

Follow this tutorial to run the OneMix boilerplate locally in minutes.

Step 1: Get The Repo

  • git clone <>

  • Rename .env.example to .env

Step 2: Setup Datbase

Step 3: Setup Payment

  • With Stripe CLI installed, run this command: stripe listen --forward-to localhost:3000/api/webhook to get the STRIPE_ENDPOINT_SECRET

Step 4: Setup Email

  • Create a Resend account.

  • Create an API key here: and copy it for the RESEND_KEY_API value.

  • Use your personal email for receiverEmail variable in app/email/service.server.ts

Step 5: Run Locally

  • npm i (You can use yarn or pnpm if you want to)

  • npm run setup to seed the DB and Stripe. This script creates 3 dummy subscription products and the respective pricing and tiers in Stripe. You can change them later.

  • npm run dev

Voila! You have OneMix running in your local system!

Last updated