
In the email/service.server.ts, you can find two methods - one to send an email to the user and another to receive an email from the user. You can copy these methods and send or receive emails for multiple scenarios.

OneMix makes use of two variables for the email setup to work:

  • senderEmail : The email address you can use to send emails from. For testing purposes, you can use . Later, when you verify your domain with Resend, you can use something like noreply@{YOUR_DOMAIN}.com

  • receiverEmail : The email address where you receive an email when the user submits the Contact form. You can use your personal email or create a new email for this. If you have a business email like contact@{YOUR_DOMAIN}.com, you can use it too.

Verify Your Domain In Resend

You can follow the official Resend docs to verify your domain. This is how you can do it if you have a domain on Namecheap:

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